Taking IoC beyond DI with Autofac Part 2: Relationships

In my last post I began to discuss the applications of Autofac as a tool for accomplishing true Inversion of Control, beyond just simple Dependency Injection. Specifically, last time I focused on creation strategies and lifetime control.

This week I want to talk a little more about lifetime control, and a lot more about categories of dependency, also known as relationship types. Nicholas Blumhardt, the principal author of Autofac, has a great blog post on what he calls “the relationship zoo” which I think goes a long way toward covering this space. I was originally going to do something similar, but his post is far more authoritative, and I’m quite certain I couldn’t do better. So instead, I'll abstain from the explanation and code samples and stick to analysis and rumination. So go read his post, then please do come back here and I’ll expand on it with some of my own thoughts.

The reality is that I take issue with some of the dependency abstractions provided by Autofac. It can be quite dangerous to your design to rely on some of them without very good reason. Used properly and prudently, they can absolutely address some particularly painful problems, especially when the dependencies consist of code you don't own and can't change. But it’s also easy to let them creep in wherever they appear to be convenient, and severely corrupt your design and architecture by doing so.

Let me start with the warnings, and then I’ll move on to extoll some virtues that I think Nicholas neglected to identify.

The first relationship type to be wary of is Lazy<T>. The intended purpose, as Nicholas explains, is to avoid expensive operations or construction until or unless it’s necessary. The idea of a lazy object is an old one. It’s a pattern that has been around for a while. My opposition to the usage of this relationship type is primarily that the need for laziness is usually a function not of the usage by the dependent class, but rather of the implementation of the module that is depended upon. Where possible, the consumer should be ignorant of implementation details of its dependencies. Let’s recognize that expensive operations are rarely truly transparent or ignorable, but the fact remains that the responsibility for this situation lies with the module being depended on, not on the consumer.

I strongly believe that if the code of the module that will be resolved for this dependency is under your control, then it behooves you to wrap the laziness around this functionality elsewhere... either building it into the implementation, or wrapping it with some sort of facade. Where Lazy<T> comes in handy is when you don’t have control over this code, and the class poorly encapsulates its functionality such that it can’t sufficiently be wrapped in a facade. At that point the consumer cannot pretend to ignore the situation, and may benefit from delegating the responsibility for the laziness to the container.

I’ll attach my second warning to the Func<T> relationship. I’m wary of the plain Func<T> because it overlaps a great deal with both Lazy<T>. It shares the same issues as Lazy<T> while adding the sin of looking suspiciously like a service locator. Service locators can be dangerous because they subvert the goal of inverting control. A service locator hands control back to the consumer by saying, “just call when you need X”, rather than handing off the dependency and saying “I know you need X so here, use this for that”. This is very rarely the appropriate way of expressing the relationship. The exception would be in the case that the consumer knows for certain that it will require multiple instances of the service it depends on.

Let’s spin things back to the positive by looking at Func and the like. How does adding the extra generic arguments change this from a smell to proper IoC? It expresses a very particular type of dependency. Specifically, it says that this class depends on at least one instance of T, but which instance or instances are needed is a function of a few arguments which won’t be known until each instance is actually needed. This is useful if you have a service which must be constructed for each use and requires some primitive types to guide its behavior, such as an encryption object which requires a key at construction. Or if you have a few different implementations of the a service which are mapped to different run-time states, such as a set of logging mechanisms for different error severities.

The IEnumerable<T> relationship is similar to this last scenario in that it offers a way to say “I depend on all implementations of T, no matter what they are”. This is probably a rarer scenario. Usually a service will have one key implementation, or a couple with very specific and differing purposes which will be used separately in different places. The most likely way for an inclusive but generalized need like this to arise is in an add-on or plug-in scenario. And in that case, you’re likely going to need some up-front processing to get things loaded up before the implementations can be passed off as dependencies to other objects.

I should note that it is probably not all that unusual for IEnumerable arguments to show up in constructors. But more often than not, this will be in data classes which will be instantiated directly, or a single step removed via a factory method, rather than resolved by the container. These aren’t truly “services” and are very unlikely to be registered with the IoC container. The factory may be a service, but what it creates in this case is more of a data structure than anything. Data structures mean state, and usually highly contextual ones at that. Autofac more context-sensitive than many IoC containers, but even it has its limits. With data structures, usually the best solution is either a direct constructor call, or a light factory.

One more small step along the path is Meta<T, M>. This is relationship type that specifies a dependency not only on a service of type T, but on some piece of metadata of type M about the module that will be provided at runtime. This metadata may be used to decide whether or not to go through with making use of the service, or how to do it. In fact, metadata is a great way to handle the special considerations a consuming object may need to make for a lazy service implementation involving a long-running operation. Maybe 90% of the time, the app can simply halt for an operation, but for certain implementations of the service, it’s more prudent to display a friendly “please wait” message and a progress bar. Attaching metadata at registration is a great way to enable these types of decisions intelligently without hard-coding a universal expectation one way or the other.

The final relationship type to address is Owned<T>. This one can be quite handy. At first blush it seems like this might violate the same principles as Lazy<T>, but if you think about it, they are actually quite different. Owned<T> indicates that the object expects to be solely responsible for the fate of the dependency passed to it. This tells the programmer, “I’m going to use this up, and it won’t be any good when I’m done with it, so just clean it up afterward.” Believe it or not, this fits in perfectly with the recommended implementation pattern for the .NET IDisposable interface. That is, that at some point, some object takes ownership of the resources, and responsibility for calling IDisposable, absolving all other transient handlers of the same. Ownership is sort of the dual, or inverse, of a constructor dependency. The constructor dependency says “I know I’m going to need this object”, and the ownership claim says “when I’m done with it, it can be tossed out.” And Autofac happily obliges, releasing the dependencies when the consumer itself is released, calling IDisposable.Dispose as appropriate.

After a twitter conversation with Nicholas himself, it became obvious to me that Owned<T> is probably the better solution to my qualms about InstancePerLifetimeScope. By establishing that the consumer “owns” its dependencies, we have essentially established exactly the limited and definite lifetime context that I was asking for! Behind the scenes, a lifetime scope is spun up when the object is instantiated, with nested resolution rules being applied as a matter of course. And when the object is released, then so is the lifetime scope and anything that was resolved as a new instance in that scope. However, we do have a symmetrical limitation here. Both the creation and the destruction of the context are tied to this object. Once the context is created, it can’t and/or shouldn’t be shared with anything either above or adjacent to this object in the dependency graph, or the deterministic disposal Autofac prides itself on will subverted and become unreliable.

In these past two posts, I’ve covered the whole continuum of dependency creation, lifecycle, and relationship strategies that go beyond simple Dependency Injection to fill out the breadth of what Inversion of Control really means. And they’re all available via Autofac to be handled (for the most part) separate from the implementation of the consumer, and without writing boilerplate factory classes or resource management classes to make it work. I hope that in reading these posts some people may see that IoC is a broad space of patterns and solutions, and that IoC containers are powerful and useful and far beyond the naive use and even abuse that people put them to for simple DI.