Take "Single Responsibility" to the Next Level

The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is a crucial tool in your toolbox for managing complexity. Bob Martin has a great essay on the Single Responsibility principle which expresses one of the biggest benefits that it can deliver to you. The SRP is predicated upon the unfortunate reality that changing code is the biggest source of bugs. By extension, the easiest way to avoid bugs is to ensure that whenever you have to make a change, it affects as little of the code as possible.

This is well known among experienced developers, but as Martin notes at the end of his essay, it's extremely difficult to get right. In my experience, very few devs take the principle as far as they should. Especially considering the fact that most of us were taught that Object-Oriented Design is all about bundling up code that works together, it can be easy to get lulled into confidence about what it takes to truly adhere to SRP.

Martin says, "conjoining responsibilities" comes naturally to us. Programmers are finely-honed pattern matching machines. It often comes far too easily. Most of us begin our careers weaving responsibilities and dependencies throughout our code, in the interest of solving a problem as quickly and efficiently as possible... with bonus points for being clever. Then we start learning the SOLID principles and start to adjust our coding habits. We take SRP to heart and break up responsibilities along reasonable lines, even if it means writing a bit more code, and synchronizing state that could theoretically be shared if all things were equal.

Then we stop.

We move our logging out of exception handlers and into service classes. But we leave severity conditions and entry formatting mixed in with the filestream management. We separate our business logic from our UI rendering and input handling. But we pile up unrelated domain operations in our controllers and presentation models. We shrink our class sizes from 1500 lines to 500 and claim victory.

This is not enough.

For one thing, responsibilities that often seem naturally elemental can usually be broken down yet further. The log example is a perfect one. File stream management is a responsibility complex enough to be given its own class. Text formatting is yet another. And severity handling is something that can be configured apart from the other two aspects. Oh, and don't forget that interfacing with an unmockable framework resource class such as System.IO.Filestream is a worthy role all its own. Each of these is a responsibility that can be wrapped up in a small class of just 100 or so lines, and exposed with a simple fine-grained interface of just a few methods. Compose these together and you have a logging service that's flexible, highly testable in all aspects, and most importantly, can evolve and be maintained independently along several orthogonal dimensions, without interfering with the other functionality. And on top of all this, you get the automatic benefit that it's much more friendly to dependency injection and unit testing.

The other important lesson to learn is that SRP doesn't just apply to classes but also to methods. It's almost never necessary for a method to be more than 30 or so lines long, on the outside. A method of such restricted size will inevitably have fewer arguments to worry about, for starters. And further, it almost inherently prevents spaghetti code. Purely by the act of breaking out small operations of a handful of steps apiece, and giving each a highly specific and expressive name, you can avoid the "flying V" of nested loops and conditionals. You can avoid long-lived context variables and status flags. You can avoid stretching tightly coupled cause and effect relationships across multiple screens-worth of code. And you'll likely find yet more places to naturally slice up a class into separate responsibilities.

All of these help to control sprawling complexity. This sounds unintuitive, because if you follow the rough rule of 30 lines per method, 200 lines per class, you'll almost certainly end up writing far more classes, and probably more code in general. But you will always know exactly where to find code related to any particular thing that may go wrong. And you can always be certain that the portion of the application that is affected by a change to a particular unit of functionality will be highly constrained by virtue of the reduced number of interactions and dependencies that any one unit needs to worry about.

Consider what you can do to take the next step with SRP. Don't be satisfied with the first-order effects of a naive application of the principle. Rededicate yourself, try it out, shrink your units, and see the benefits in your code.