My Grand Entrance

I have officially joined the blogosphere. I'm still not sure I like that word. It sounds like something Dan Simmons would have made up. But here I am nonetheless. My entry was unceremonious, not surprisingly, as my online presence has heretofore consisted solely of my college Senior Design project page and scattered posts on a few unrelated forums in various corners of the internet (some of which I am now thoroughly ashamed of).

I created this blog as an outlet, for my many and varied interests. It has been exceedingly rare to find someone who is willing to listen to me talk about them, let alone actually hold up one end of a discussion. So, hopefully this will provide me a pressure valve, where I can let out some of the thoughts that build up in my head without thoroughly irritating my friends and coworkers.

If I'm lucky, someone will read one of my posts all the way through before realizing they've wasted their time on the ramblings of some idiot on the internet.

And if I'm really lucky, it'll turn out that there's another person out there who actually cares enough about the same things as I do to tell me how ridiculous my ideas are and that I should just close up shop and go back to my day job.

Anyway, here are a few of the things I'll likely blog about:
  • Software Development
  • Programming Languages (and theory)
  • Technology and Culture
  • Theoretical Physics
  • Education
  • Math
  • Professional Development
  • Language / Linguistics
If these obscure and esoteric topics look interesting to you, God help you.... I mean stay tuned!